동아프리카장로교단 제21회 총회 총무인사 > 상임이사칼럼new

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동아프리카장로교단 제21회 총회 총무인사

관리자 2015-04-27 (월) 16:02 9년전 1470  
동아프리카장로교단 제21회 총회
일시: 2015년 4월 13-18일
주제: “Arise, come let us start rebuilding”
성경: 느헤미야 2장 17-18절
총회장소: Saint Andrew’s Church, Nairobi City, Kenya
Greeting to the 21st General Assembly 
of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa
April 13-18, 2015 Nairobi, Kenya 
Amani Iwe Nyanyi! I am indeed grateful for the warm invitation from the new moderator Rev. Julius Guantai Mwamba, Right Rev. David Riitho Gathanju and the Rev. Festus K. Gitonga, immediate past Moderator and Secretary General respectively, to participate in this General Assembly and bring greeting from the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK). I would like to congratulate the newly elected General Assembly officers of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa, the Moderator, and Secretary General, and all the elected officers of the church. I also bring warmest peace greetings and felicitations to all the commissioners, sisters and brothers in Christ in this 21st General Assembly.
Our partnership agreement was signed in 1993 and for more than 22 years our churches have helped and supported bilateral mission programs such as in Theological Education wherein the Reverend Professor Yoo Boo-Woong has taught at Saint Paul’s Theological College and in Medical Mission which has been supported by Yangrim Church and assisted by the Reverend Park Chan-Seop. Our mission co-workers with the PCEA have committed themselves to the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ through the church.
The theme for this General Assembly is “Arise, Come let us Start Rebuilding” based on Nehemiah 2: 17-18, a relevant and hastening theme that strengthens our resolve and commitment to rebuild and restore what has been destroyed. As churches, the PCEA and the PROK, just like most of churches in Asia, the Middle East and Africa have been caught up into the web of conflicts from within and without; thus the call for justice and lasting peace is a call for rebuilding and restoration. We join you in the call to rebuild and restore, be it in prayers of supplications or actions that will help realize goals toward this end. We pray that the work and solidarity for just-peace of the PCEA and all churches in the African Continent will be sustained and guided by God’s empowering Spirit.
Accompanying our people in their sufferings and hopes has been the character of the church since the first century, following Christ’s ministry amongst ordinary people. There have been two events which have stirred us deeply, one in Korea, one in Kenya, events which have brought about great grief and distress.  A year ago, off the south coast of Korea, the Sewol Ferry sank, carrying over 300 passengers and crew members to their deaths in the cold sea.  Many of these were high school students making a special class trip.
The PROK has been walking with the families in their depths of their grief through this year, and at the same time working hard to make the government and society look at its labour and shipping codes so that such a tragedy will not happen again. Last week, our hearts were stirred with similar grief as we heard of students of Garissa University College who were slain by the hands of politically-motivated gunmen. You as a church will also, like us, face the 2-fold task of being present with these grieving families, while also prophetically calling on society and government to develop ways to ensure security for the innocent of society.  PROK stands in solidarity with PCEA in your ministry to those in pain and in leadership.
The PROK has entered a new phase of history as a church after sixty (60) years of its life and mission in the Korean Peninsula. Endowed and illumined by the spirituality of peace, the PROK pursues shalom based on just-peace that is inclusive and overcomes all sorts and levels of discrimination. The work for peace in the Korean Peninsula is one that allows freedom, co-existence and reunification of the Korean people, without armed confrontation and promotion of integrity of creation. The PROK has launched the Monday night prayer service for Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula which is now on its 53rd Monday night last April 6 and we will carry this out with God’s help until the day of Korea’s reunification.
We encourage you to include us and our programs in your prayers.
It is my sincerest prayers that God through Christ will bless and guide your 21st General Assembly.
In Christ’s love and peace,
General Secretary
The Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea
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[이 게시물은 관리자님에 의해 2016-11-03 21:39:53 총무 칼럼에서 이동 됨]

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