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한국-인도선교협의회 창립식 총무 연설문

관리자 2015-09-30 (수) 10:16 8년전 1635  


2015년 9월 10일 목요일 한국기독교백주년기념관에서 개최된 한국-인도선교협의회 창립식은 인도 내에서의 무분별한 기독교선교활동을 개선하고 한국과 인도와의 파트너쉽에 기반한 에큐메니칼 협력선교를 구현하기 위해 개최되었다. 이 창립식 모임에는 남인도교회(CSI), 북인도교회(CNI), 인도장로교회(PCI), 대한예수교장로회(PCK), 한국기독교장로회(PROK), 독일개신교선교연대(EMS) 등 6개 교회 및 선교단체대표 30여 명이 참가했다. 창립식에서 발표된 총무 배태진 목사의 연설문(아래참조)은 선교사역에 있어서의 한국과 인도와의 상호성, 선교적 행위의 문화적 감수성, 복음과 지역공동체와의 조화, 재정적 투명성과 선교사역의 책임성, 그리고 정의로운 선교정책의 구상과 예언자적 선교의 필요성을 강조하고 있다.




Future Directions for KORIND / Indo-Korean Mission Council


By Rev. Bae Tae-Jin

General Secretary, PROK


Welcome to Korea and to the Indo-Korean Mission Council Consultation here in Seoul. I’m grateful for this opportunity as PROK General Secretary to greet you and share my perspectives on the future directions for this Mission Council. I have prepared condensed ideas from the document I have accessed, the Report of the Indo-Korean Consultation on Mission Concepts and Strategies dated June 9-11, 2014.


Mutuality in mission initiatives


First is mutuality in doing our mission as a Mission Council. Mutuality means respect for the unique institutional polity of each corresponding member of the Indo-Korean/ KORIND Mission Council. It also elucidates the definition of the common biblical and theological affirmations of God revealed in Jesus Christ as the very foundations of all of Christian mission rather than the narrowed and prejudiced understanding and practice of it that have been associated with neo-colonialism and subjugation of what peoples and communities perceived as culturally inferior or in other forms of denigration, discrimination and oppression that have wrecked havoc on cultural integrity of indigenous peoples and the disruption of the web of life of their human ecology.


Cultural and community integration


It has been stressed in the previous consultations that cultural and community integration for mission/ecumenical co-workers coming from Korea should be carried out as proposed by the corresponding member churches in India. This means that cultural orientation program must be designed for those who will do mission work in India. The Mission Council will design curriculum for the intercultural learning and integration process and shall be implemented for the new mission/ecumenical co-workers coming into India and the same way for those coming into Korea. This is expected to lessen cultural and theological misunderstanding which are rooted in contempt of indigenous people’s values and way of life and the assertion of mission/ecumenical co-workers’ superiority complex. The cultural and community integration facilitators will certify to the level of understanding and proficiency in solidarity work for the new mission/ecumenical co-workers.


Accountability, transparency and responsibility


Second are accountability, transparency and responsibility. The necessity and expectation to clearly explain one’s or an organization’s actions for whatever they are accountable for is accountability. Being accountable is the ability to explain, report and give account of whatever results of a person’s or organization’s actions not just of what happened based on set objectives and goals, but also why and how it happened. Responsibility pertains to the sum of all the responsibilities a person or an organization has assumed to carry out for the furtherance of corporate goals and objectives. This means also taking care of human beings, material and financial resources to achieve desired goals and objectives which are the innate characteristics of pastoral care. Transparency is the characteristic of a management system that can be theologically described as “programs and actions without reproach”. Those involved in a program or project have access to information and have the liberty to raise criticism and able to self-criticize for the sake of collective accountability and responsibility. These are necessary ethical principles that must be adopted and implemented by the Indo-Korean/KORIND Mission Council as it begin its programs. .


Common prophetic witness and formulation of just and compassionate mission policies


Lastly, I would like to impress the importance of common prophetic witness in the context of neoliberal globalization that promised to raise the level of economic power of the poorest of the poor but their strategies have further widened the wealth gap among sectors and classes in society around the world. The common prophetic witness for justice and peace is our theological resolved to be on the side of people and communities who suffer because of alienation from the sources of life, liberty, justice and peace. We cannot be indifferent to the sufferings of the people, nor merely dreamers of the dawning of God’s kingdom on earth. Rather the Mission Council’s policies should reveal God’s saving action in the concrete historical realities of the people. In so doing, we incarnate Jesus Christ’s life in the world.


Thank you very much.

[이 게시물은 관리자님에 의해 2016-11-03 21:39:53 총무 칼럼에서 이동 됨]

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